July 18, 2022 9:05 am Published by KirstyH

Using a foliar program of OMEX Foliar Fertilizers has given great results in Mexico.

OMEX Bio 20, Maize, Mexico

OMEX Bio 20, Maize, Mexico

Why OMEX Bio 20?

OMEX BIO 20 combines mineral nutrition with the proven growth-promoting qualities of seaweed, this formulation provides the stimulus for healthy, active growth. Plants respond by producing greater root mass and green leaf area, giving improved flower/fruit set and higher tolerance to environmental stress. OMEX BIO 20 is a seaweed-based foliar fertilizer containing macro and chelated micronutrients. For further product information, click here.

Discussing the benefits of an OMEX foliar program.

benefits of OMEX foliar fertilizers

Applying the correct nutrients…

…in the correct place, at the correct time.

Maize crop, Mexico



Why OMEX K41?

OMEX K41 is a specific mix of the major nutrients involved in maintaining the formation and healthy functioning of green leaf area, optimising the plant’s ability to make carbohydrates. This can result in better fruit set, sugar content, flavour, store quality, with delayed senescence and reduced impact of environmental stress.

OMEX Sulphomex

OMEX Sulphomex

Why use OMEX Sulphomex?

SULPHOMEX is a clear solution containing Sulphur and Nitrogen, soluble in water. Crops will respond immediately to applications, which  are quickly absorbed by the plant.
SULPHOMEX provides Sulphur to crops giving an effect of greening and vigour.
SULPHOMEX has a special formulation that does not precipitate or cake, has a long shelf life and maintains its physical and biological characteristics.
SULPHOMEX provides a high level of nutrition to crops. Nitrogen and Sulphur are major constituents of enzymes and proteins in plants.

Maize crop, Mexico

Maize crop, Mexico

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