January 7, 2021 2:54 pm Published by KirstyH

The importance of Potassium

  • Potassium is required in the largest amount of any nutrient and soil supply often fails to meet plant demand, especially during periods of heat stress.
  • Potassium influences canopy expansion, water uptake and the set, size and sugar content of fruit.
  • Potassium stress tends to affect plant development and yield building from flowering onwards, leading to poor fruit set with low dry matter and sugar production.
  • Leaf Potassium levels can influence Nitrogen metabolism, plant structure and tolerance to drought. Low Potassium status can result in poor disease resistance.
  • Potassium Deficiency Symptoms – often termed “Hidden Hunger” as plants fail to thrive.  Potassium deficiency is typically seen on the leaf tips and margins of older leaves, which turn from green to yellow, eventually becoming brown and necrotic. Plants tend to be slower growing, lax and more prone to heat/water stress.

Potassium Deficiency symtpons

potassium deficiency in tomatoespotassium deficiency

Potassium is key to Carbohydrate transportation

  • Potassium stress tends to affect plant development and yield building from flowering onwards, leading to poor fruit set with low dry matter and sugar production.
  • Potassium is required in the largest amount of any nutrient and soil supply often fails to meet plant demand, especially during periods of heat stress.
  • Potassium stress is often worse in alkaline soils or following applications of Magnesium-based lime or fertiliser.

potassium deficiency

OMEX NK60 is a highly concentrated, water soluble suspension fertiliser containing both potassium and nitrogen

How OMEX NK60 works

  • It’s important to time applications to match plant demand. Foliar treatment from flowering on, or in response to symptoms is very effective in maintaining plant growth and health
  • NK60 delivers readily available K to regulate stomatal movements and maintain metabolic systems for the transport of sugars from leaves to grain and fruit.
  • NK60 also supplies crop available nitrogen, helping to maintain growth and build yield.
  • Very fast uptake to correct nutrient deficiency or relieve stress symptoms
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