September 27, 2018 12:21 pm Published by KirstyH

Salad Potato trial, Suffolk-Variety: Marris Peer

Looking at the Effect of ‘k’ in high or low volumes in suspension fertilizers.

Potassium acts as a bulking nutrient in potatoes, the high K treatment shows an increase in total yield, both colours on the chart are marketable sizes.

  • The High Potassium treatment resulted in an overall higher marketable yield (+14%) in total.
  • The standard Potassium treatment produced a higher yield (11.54%) in the smaller grade (25mm-45mm).
  • Where as the High Potassium treatment resulted in a 44% increase in the larger of the marketable grade (45mm-65mm).
  • The grading data for this trial indicates that the use of a High Potassium treatment will increase the proportion of the yield within the higher bounds of the marketable grades, in effect increasing yield (T/ha) without increasing tuber numbers.
  • The intention of the treatment was to prove that Potassium is an efficient use of fertiliser in order to aid the bulking of tubers in potato crop, not necessarily increasing tuber numbers.
  • This trial has shown a increase in bulking the crop in the marketable weight bracket as the yield weight is significantly higher with the High K treatment, despite there only being a increase of 1.7% in tuber numbers.

For more information : Suspension fertilizers for potatoes

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