April 28, 2014 12:00 am Published by LauraE

28 April 2014

Nutritional Agronomy Note: Foliar nitrogen on Oilseed Rape – Get better results with Oilseed Extra

Foliar nitrogen on Oilseed Rape – Get better results with Oilseed Extra

The HGCA now recommend application of foliar nitrogen to all crops of oilseed rape, following a number of years of trials over different seasons.

Oilseed rape is poor at taking up soil nutrients after flowering, at a time when nitrogen is important for filling the seed and extra nitrogen provided through the foliage leads to a yield increase greater than can be achieved by additional soil applications.

Oilseed Extra, a complete foliar package for bigger yield benefits

The HGCA report an average yield response of 0.2 t/ha and other trials organisations report an average increase of 0.35 t/ha, from the application of nitrogen alone.

Oilseed Extra has been shown to increase yields by an average 0.61 t/ha, from all trials over the last 9 seasons, almost double the increase. That’s worth about an extra £100/ha after the cost of the product and application.




More than just nitrogen

In addition to the levels of nitrogen provided by simple urea sprays, Oilseed Extra also contains sulphur, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc and molybdenum plus a powerful biostimulant, all designed to boost crop growth during seed fill.

  • Maintains growth throughout seed fill, producing larger seed, higher yields
  • Improved yield responses over straight foliar nitrogen
  • Molybdenum inclusion minimises the oil reduction associated with straight foliar nitrogen application at lower application rates
  • Evidence of reduced pod shatter from foliar urea in some trials
  • Net benefit of over £100/ha, based on average results over last 5 seasons
  • Can be tank-mixed with late fungicide or aphicide applications


Application and availability

Oilseed Extra is applied after the end of flowering at 200 l/ha plus 100 l/ha water, through standard fan jets. The addition of water helps improve coverage on the crop and the uptake of the nutrients. It can be applied undiluted if necessary and is crop safe but likely to produce a slightly smaller yield response.

Oilseed Extra can be delivered to any bowser or tank on farm or if no storage is available contact Omex to discuss our rental scheme for 10-25m³ tanks.


The 2014 crop

Indications are that the current crop has a good yield potential; high levels of sunlight during flowering will have increased potential seed numbers and foliar application of Oilseed Extra is vital to ensure all the seed develop to the maximum potential yield.

Talk to your agronomist or contact your local Omex district sales manager.


w99_4662907_scottbakerScott Baker
Foliar Nutrition Agronomist
07850 475 018
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