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What is CalMax Ultra?

March 7, 2019 Published by laurae
CalMax Ultra blog image Category: Agriculture
CalMax Ultra contains calcium in conjunction with a ‘pump primer’ that ensures the calcium can be actively transported into plant cells even during the difficult periods of low metabolic activity and stress. Features and benefits • Improved calcium levels • Increased brix levels • Protects against calcium related disorders The increased leaf and fruit calcium allows for longer storage life and less risk of physical damage as well as a greater resilience to physiological breakdown. CalMax Ultra can also be use as part of an ICM programme alongside products such as Kelpak that enhance root growth which improves crop establishment leading to higher yield and better quality. Trials Results Trials of CalMax Ultra on soft fruit have demonstrated it’s effectiveness on Fruit Firmness and Shelf Life: For further information on CalMax Ultra contact your local Technical Sales Manager, here.
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