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Speciality Foliar Nutrition Range

SuperMn is a liquid foliar fertiliser high in manganese combined with magnesium, nitrate N and sulphate S. The high quality formulation means more Mn is absorbed by leaves compared with simpler formulations, resulting in faster reduction of deficiency symptoms and an extended period of plant available Mn

  • Remedies Manganese Deficiency
  • Easily Absorbed Manganese
  • Visual Reduction In Manganese Deficiency Syptoms
  • Improved Crop Growth
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is a liquid foliar fertiliser high in manganese to remedy deficiency and promote plant health.

SuperMn Application Guidelines

Crop Timing Rate Comments
L/ha ml/L water
Cereals Autumn/Spring 1.5 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
3 When deficiency is suspected or identified
Legumes As soon as there is sufficient leaf area 1.5 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
10-15cm high 3 When deficiency is suspected or identified
If deficiency symptoms persist, repeat 7-10 days after flowering at 1.5 L/ha
Oilseed Rape Spring 3 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary
Potatoes After crop meets along the rows 3 When deficiency is suspected or identified If deficiency symptoms persist, repeat 7-10 days after flowering at 1.5 L/ha. Repeat if necessary
Sugar Beet 4-6 true leaves 1.5 Maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage
Vegetables As required 3 When deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat if necessary
Protected Edibles – soil grown in polytunnels As required 1.5-3 Use the lower rate as a maintenance dressing onto actively growing foliage. Use the higher rate when deficiency is suspected or identified
Brassicas, Lettuce & Leafy Salads From 4-6 true leaves 1.5-3 Use the lower rate as a maintenance dressing onto actively grwing foliage. Use the highter rate when deficiency is suspected or identified. Repeat after 10-14 days in cases of severe deficiency
Bulbs and Outdoor Flowers From 10cm high but before flowering 1.5 Repeat at 7-10 day intervals, do not apply to crops in flower
Hardy Nursery Stock Apply to new seasons growth 1.5 1.5 Repeat while growth is still active in the autumn
Soft Fruit (soil grown) Start of flowering 1.5 Strawberries apply at green bud
Tree Fruit Petal fall/fruit set 1.5 In cases of severe deficiency apply before flowering and repeat 10-14 days later
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