April 24, 2018 3:57 pm Published by LauraE

Suspension Fertilisers v Granular

With more and more people converting to suspension fertilisers we take a look a look at the benefits of suspensions over conventional solid fertilisers.

So what are OMEX suspensions and how are they
better than their granular counterpart?
OMEX suspension fertilisers are tailor made to match
field and crop requirements.
Suspensions can contain almost any mix of nutrients and
micronutrients, which are perfectly mixed so that each
droplet of the product contains the complete analysis of
nutrients, for unbeatable accuracy and consistency.
While solid blended fertiliser is prone to segregation,
OMEX suspensions do not separate or settle during
transport and application, and remain fully uniform from
the factory to the last drop applied in the field.
OMEX suspension fertilisers offer a number of benefits
over conventional solid fertilisers:
Financial – Improved crop response from accuracy and
availability of nutrients
Agronomic – Tailor made nutrition, uniform application
over the whole field
Environmental – Accurate and efficient with less risk of
leaching and pollution
Convenience – No bag disposal or storage, contract
application and no farm labour or planning
Traceability – From soil sample to application
Support – Growing with OMEX gives you
complete support in caring for your crop, from planting
to harvest

OMEX has over 40 years unrivalled experience as the
UK’s largest manufacturer of suspension fertilisers.
Numerous trials demonstrate potential yield difference
between suspension fertilisers vs granular. The OMEX
treatment in the independent trial below demonstrates a
15% yield increase.

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